
Xcom 2 soldier stuck
Xcom 2 soldier stuck

xcom 2 soldier stuck

  • If there is a single square where an alien grenade can hit all your soldiers at once, that is the square it will land in.
  • You will always end up short 1 TU for the action you wanted to do.
  • If your base is attacked, you will always get flares instead of Heavy Plasmas.
  • Flares will always land where they cannot be picked up.
  • As soon as you get better armor, the aliens get better weapons.
  • A wounded soldier will always die just before you find the last alien.
  • Your first unit out is always your commander.
  • Your first unit out is always shot down.
  • If a soldier has a Rocket Launcher, he will get MCed while still in the craft.
  • The soldier you gave your shiny new heavy weapon to will turn out to have shitty Psi Strength and/or Morale.
  • The opposite is true when you mind control an alien.
  • Your troops invariably display better accuracy and reactions when mind controlled than they do under your own orders.
  • The probability of a soldier going berserk is proportional to the number of friendly units he can hit from where he's standing.
  • The probability of a soldier getting MCed is proportional to the lethality of the weapons he is carrying.
  • If he is holding something else, he will drop it and run right next to an alien.
  • If he is holding any other primed explosive, he will drop it and stay right there.
  • If he is holding a primed Proximity Grenade, he will drop it and start running.
  • If a soldier has a high explosive, then he will have to commit suicide for the group to win.
  • If a soldier can hit another soldier while missing, he will.
  • If the soldier can't miss, the shot won't kill the alien.

  • Xcom 2 soldier stuck